Jenny Kwon Chinese Medicine Clinic
By appointment only
Opening hours

Mon – Fri
8:00 am – 7:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm


1 Whitehorse Rd Deepdene VIC 3103 (cnr of Whitehorse & Burke Rd)
Women's health
Common conditions seen at JKCMC
Irregular menstruation
PMS (Pre-menstrual symptoms)
Assisting fertility
Assisting symptoms related to Endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Assist during IVF cycle
Pre-conception care
Pre-labour induction
Assisting Menopausal symptoms
Since working closely with major fertility clinics, Jenny has seen diverse gynaecological cases and it has become her passion to find the root problems and work together to help improve women's health.
Through clinical experience, Jenny noticed some women may have some sort of menstrual, ovulation or fertility issues. But due to busy life style and stress, most of us are just relying on pills to get by or ignoring the symptoms that your body is alarming you on.
These are some of the common symptoms we see and some of them may be due to mild hormonal imbalance but some may indicate more complicated problems.
So it is recommended to check your menstrual abnormalities or related symptoms especially if you are planning a family.
Another rising issue is early menopausal symptoms due to high demand life style.
Common symptoms are hot flush day or night and night sweating or even feeling hot in bed could be early signs of hormonal decline.
After thorough diagnosis through pulse, tongue and abdominal palpation, we may be able to assist in the imbalances and assist according to your condition.
For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
By appointment only
Mon – Fri
8:00 am – 7:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
1 Whitehorse Rd Deepdene VIC 3103 (cnr of Whitehorse & Burke Rd)